Only One
The digital action platform for people who love the ocean and want to save the planet.
Only OneIndustry
Not-for-profit Ocean ConservationDisciplines
BrandStrategyDigital DesignConsultancyTeam
Sara Taiyo Edmund Marshall-Lovsey Elsa Monteith Olivia Dias Baggot Holly Jackson Abb-d TaiyoSpecial Thanks...
Dorothy Sanders Dean Fischer Megan Hunter Paul Farning Alex Sumaila Alexandre Calvão Zoë SandersChallenge
Protecting our oceans is a complex challenge many struggle to understand. Our aim with Only One is to bridge the gap between understanding and action, providing a destination for many to learn about the complex issues we face, as well as take direct action towards healthier seas.
Our long standing partnership with Only One has led to significant positive impact to the ocean and local indigenous communities. The collective work has subsequently led to US policy change and a new found show of support for a global agreement on plastic pollution. The level of change is continually made possible through a platform that empowers individual activism and transparency.

Working with Driftime continues to be a rewarding experience that delivers above our expectations. The Drifteam have added tremendous value across a diverse set of projects at Only One – bringing their thoughtful approach, strategic experience, and creative flair to every aspect of our work together.
Dorothy Sanders | Head of Design & Experience at Only One